
Learning Ethical Hacking

In this part I hope to discuss the key elements/places to learn ethical hacking.


As hacking is such a large area, this largely depends on the area you wish to advance your career in, but a good place to start is:

  • Linux Commands - as hacking typically involves using Kali Linux as a virtual machine and you normally have to exploit Linux based commands; you must be confident with the CLI.
  • Programming Language - to understand exploits, you may need to read code - so understanding at least one programming language is crucial. Additionally, you can then code automated exploits making future jobs easier. Any popular programming language is great to learn and for newbies I recommend python (but it is a matter of preference and using the right language for the job).
  • Background Knowledge - this one really depends on what you wish to hack; but the more you know about your target, the easier your job will be. E.g. if you wish to reverse engineer software, then knowledge of assembly language is needed.
  • Legal Knowledge - as hacking is a border line subject it is best to know what you can and cannot do. As a rule of thumb, you can attack your own devices but never anyone elses without prior permission.

Starting Hacking

As I am a practical learner, I believe the best way to learn is via practicing. A good place to start is by using Try Hack Me and I plan to release walkthroughs to some of the levels.

Below is a good roadmap to learning Ethical Hacking by Tux

Good look learning,

